Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Weather Sensor

$750.00 AUD
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Get near real time information on your environment

Connectivity: Wi-Fi
Add Sensors: None

A professional measurement device designed to accurately measure and monitor the crucial environmental parameters. Key Features:

  • Sensors are built in the waterproof and anti-UV shelter
  • A single compact unit for temperature, pressure and humidity 
  • Option for wind weather sensor 
  • Great for cattle sheds and monitoring environmental issues 

** Requires Message Handling & Dashboard Subscription **

Product Specs

Q1: How is it powered? 

A: The device is powered by our solar control unit.

Q2: How can I monitor data from this device remotely? 

A: Our products come with wireless communication options like Wi-Fi, cellular (4G/IoT), or Satellite. They can transmit near real-time data to our cloud-based platform, then on to our AxisStream field app.

Q3: How often does the sensor update temperature and humidity readings? 

A: This can be customised depending on the application, but by default measurements are taken every 15 mins. 

Q4: Can the sensor send alerts for abnormal temperature or humidity levels? 

A: Yes, you can use the alert functions via your AxisStream app or desktop to setup custom alerts and who to send them to. 

Connectivity: Wi-Fi
Add Sensors: None